Monday, June 29, 2009

Quinn's Party

Kim (Liz's friend), Liz, Toby, and Aunt Cher all sit by the fire at the end of the party.

Quinn's Party

Toby and Ethan play a game of Cornhole during the party.

Quinn's Party

Zach and I are hanging out around the fire!

Quinn's Party

Hum, looks like someone found the blue M&M's that were on the table? If you're going to sneak them then try not to show the evidence on your face! Or maybe Daddy should try to hide the fact that he gave them to you a little better?

Quinn's party

Dave and Chris Heisler (Quinn's Parents) catch a minute together to get a picture taken. The house is almost finished and the party went great and everyone had a good time. Chris, there was 1 one could find a bathroom in the new house? HUM?

party for Quinn

From Left to Right: Kay Jackson (Aunt), Arlene Heisler (Grandma), Al Jackson (Uncle), and Vance Heisler (Grandpa)...sitting around eating the good food at Quinn's party and chatting it up.

Quinn's Graduation

Congratulations Quinn...Good Luck at Indiana University! I won't hold it against you that you aren't going to Ohio State. I'm sure the education you'll get there will be almost as good as OSU's. Guess we'll just have to wait and see??????? LOL!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mother's Day

I attempted to get a picture taken of me with the boys after church. However, Lukas was asleep and Toby didn't want to have a picture taken. So, as you can didn't go so well!

Toby plays the bell at church...

Mother's Day, Toby played the bells. As you can see he really goes to town and takes it very serious!


Toby and Lukas got baby duckies to play with...they are getting big and almost ready to put in the pond. We are planning to let them loose in the pond this weekend. Should be interesting to see if they decide to make our pond their home. We ended up with 5 females....looks like we might have more little duckies in the future.

Toby rocks Lukas to sleep....

Toby rocked Lukas to sleep for his nap...what a helpful and good big brother!