Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Toby's snow angel!

Toby getting all wet trying to make a snow angel. He had a ball. He was in and out of the house all day playing in the snow! Let me tell you...after the last couple weeks of school...he is NO ANGEL! LOL!

The boy's snowman...Toby calls him "FROSTY"!

The boys had a blast building a snowman! I'm not sure who was more into it, Trey or Toby? It was nice outside and the snow was starting to melt but they got Frosty made! He is right out side Toby's window so he can keep an eye on him at night! Makes you want to sing "Frosty the snowman..." I know you started to sing it didn't you?


We got about 6 or more inches of snow from Sunday night into Monday morning on 3/2/09. Of course school was cancelled and my county offices were closed so we were home to PLAY! Trey even played hookie from work so all the boys got to play in the snow!