Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas with the Parrish family!
Toby finally gets his Ben 10 Watch....
Lukas....look at all those gifts!
Are all those gifts for Trey? NO! They are all for Lukas! Man, I want to be a kid again! They get all the good and cool stuff! Check out that bib! "Are these people really my RELATIVES?" Wow, isn't that the truth...we got some crazies! LOL! Kidding...we had a blast at Steve and Cher's. Lukas got all kinds of goodies!
Toby gets Hulk hands from Aunt Cher and Uncle Steve!
Toby opens gifts from Santa
Lukas opens gifts from Santa
Christmas Morning at the Scranton's!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Checking Santa out...
The boys with Santa...big hit!
Lukas gets a black eye
I'm still a happy boy and haven't missed a beat! Love to all! Lukas
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas with Nana
Christmas with Nana (Barbara Naw)
Clean Boys!
Check out these to happy "clean" boys! Aren't we having a good time in the tub? All smiles on this pose! Can you believe that this Saturday Lukas will be 8 months old? He is already all over the place crawling and pulling up to things to stand. Won't be much longer and we'll be chasing him around! Goodness they grow FAST! Hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season!
Big Ohio Buck
Friday, November 21, 2008
KrAzY KiDs!
Hayden Howard and Lukas Parrish
Saturday morning fun.....the boys playing!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Playing in the leaves.....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Halloween with Grandparents!
Spiderman and a Giraffe
I can sit up by myself!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Roger and I with BIG NUT!
GO BUCKS....O-H-I-O! :)
OSU V. Purdue Game
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Toby with Lukas and Sydni with Hayden
Toby hangin out with the Giraffes
Toby visits the Lazy 5 Ranch in NC!
Maw-Maw's 88th Birthday Party
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Lukas and Mom
Saturday night (Sept. 20th) we took this. I told Trey I didn't have any recent pictures of me with Lukas and here it is. So I thought I'd add it. Got to see where Lukas gets some of his good looks! LOL! Hopefully he gets a few more of my traits than Toby did...since all Toby got was my lack of PATIENCE! He managed to get his Dad's balance and or GRACE! :) Hope everyone is doing well....we sure all! God Bless All! Love, The Parrish Crew!
Lukas doing the ROCK then Crawl!
Toby playing with Lukas before school!
Every morning before school starts Toby goes in and plays with Lukas before he leaves. Here is Toby rolling around on the floor with Lukas. They get along so well and Lukas really loves it when Toby plays with him...his face just lights up! We all think they look more and more like each other every day! Aren't they cute?
Lukas eating Cereal!
Venom Toby
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Mom and Dad's anniversary party.....
Marissa and Toby at the fair.....
Defiance Co. Fair
Grandpa and Lukie
Water slide fun!
Happy 6th Birthday Toby
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Look at the boys....already buddies!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
AWWWW...sleeping boys!
Uncle Steve...that is Toby's!
Carson Reunion
End of May....
QUINN are you holding a baby?
Grandma and Lukas
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